A possum is a flat animal that sleeps in the middle of the road.
There are 5,000 types of snakes and 4,998 of them live in the South.
There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 of them live in the South, plus a couple no one's seen before.
If it grows, it'll stick ya. If it crawls, it'll bite cha.
Onced and Twiced are words.
It is not a shopping cart, it is a buggy!
Jawl-P? means, Did you all go to the bathroom?
People actually grow,eat, and like okra.
Fixinto is one word. It means I'm going to do that.
There is no such thing as lunch. There is only dinner and then there's supper.
Iced tea is appropriate for all meals and you start drinking it when you're two. We do like a little tea with our sugar. It is referred to as the Wine of the South.
Backwards and forwards means I know everything about you. The word "jeet" is actually a question meaning, 'Did you eat?'
You don't have to wear a watch, because it doesn't matter what time it is, you work until you're done or it's too dark to see.
You don't PUSH buttons, you MASH em.
Ya'll is singular. All ya'll is plural.
All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, insect, or animal.
You carry jumper cables in your car - for your OWN car.
You only own five spices: salt, pepper, mustard, Tabasco and ketchup.
The local papers cover national and international news on one page, but require 6 pages for local high school sports, NASCAR, and gossip.
You think that the first day of deer season is a national holiday.
You know what a hissy fit is.
Fried catfish is the other white meat.
We don't need no dang Driver's Ed. If our mama says we can drive, we can drive!!!
From Southern Heritage News and Views newsletter,
(my family's favorite: "Jawn'to" means Do you want to?)
Dedicated to the ideals of State's rights, small government, the unregulated truly free market, American individualism and personal freedom.
The power of III
Summum ius summa iniuria--More law, less justice
23 July 2011
22 July 2011
Southern Rock lives!
Whiskey Myers, out of Tyler TX:
Consider me a fan.
Hat tip to Brock Townsend at Free North Carolina.
Consider me a fan.
Hat tip to Brock Townsend at Free North Carolina.
21 July 2011
The States are Sovereign; One Confederation, Divisible
Required learning for our children: the American history buried by the victors after 1865
Great video, via The Tenth Amendment Center Blog
"Truth crushed to the earth is truth still and like a seed will rise again"
--Jefferson Davis
Great video, via The Tenth Amendment Center Blog
"Truth crushed to the earth is truth still and like a seed will rise again"
--Jefferson Davis
Quote of the Day 7/21
![]() |
The best of us, used by the worst. |
"I stomped through the jungles, missed holidays with my family, slept with one eye open for fear that I might have my throat slit or a grenade tossed in my bunker, etc., etc. And while I was doing these things, the very freedoms I was supposedly fighting for were being stripped from me and I now realize that I was only a pawn for the NWO bunch. I killed innocent people who had not attacked my country nor even threatened it. I was a hitman for the banksters. If we were attempting to secure freedom we failed miserably!"
--unnamed US military veteran, quoted at LRC blog.
20 July 2011
Third American Revolution, reasons to fight: Enemy, domestic
Boy, this pisses me off, and scares me at the same time. Most reasonable law abiding citizens would be victimized like this.
See if you can count how many ways the cop violates the constitution and his own LEO procedures in the course of 15 minutes, and then goes on the most incredible self incriminating tirade, demonstrating his completely inappropriate mindset for "the job":
Idiot. Tax-feeder. Thug.
via Free North Carolina
See if you can count how many ways the cop violates the constitution and his own LEO procedures in the course of 15 minutes, and then goes on the most incredible self incriminating tirade, demonstrating his completely inappropriate mindset for "the job":
Idiot. Tax-feeder. Thug.
via Free North Carolina
Absolutely refuse to cooperate with this tool of the police state
Verbatim post from Reuters, 20 July, 2011:
(Reuters) - Dozens of police departments nationwide are gearing up to use a tech company's already controversial iris- and facial-scanning device that slides over an iPhone and helps identify a person or track criminal suspects.
The so-called "biometric" technology, which seems to take a page from TV shows like "MI-5" or "CSI," could improve speed and accuracy in some routine police work in the field. However, its use has set off alarms with some who are concerned about possible civil liberties and privacy issues.
The smartphone-based scanner, named Mobile Offender Recognition and Information System, or MORIS, is made by BI2 Technologies in Plymouth, Massachusetts, and can be deployed by officers out on the beat or back at the station.
An iris scan, which detects unique patterns in a person's eyes, can reduce to seconds the time it takes to identify a suspect in custody. This technique also is significantly more accurate than results from other fingerprinting technology long in use by police, BI2 says.
When attached to an iPhone, MORIS can photograph a person's face and run the image through software that hunts for a match in a BI2-managed database of U.S. criminal records. Each unit costs about $3,000.
Some experts fret police may be randomly scanning the population, using potentially intrusive techniques to search for criminals, sex offenders, and illegal aliens, but the manufacturer says that would be a difficult task for officers to carry out.
Sean Mullin, BI2's CEO, says it is difficult, if not impossible, to covertly photograph someone and obtain a clear, usable image without that person knowing about it, because the MORIS should be used close up.
"It requires a level of cooperation that makes it very overt -- a person knows that you're taking a picture for this purpose," Mullin said.
But constitutional rights advocates are concerned, in part because the device can accurately scan an individual's face from up to four feet away, potentially without a person's being aware of it.
Experts also say that before police administer an iris scan, they should have probable cause a crime has been committed.
"What we don't want is for them to become a general surveillance tool, where the police start using them routinely on the general public, collecting biometric information on innocent people," said Jay Stanley, senior policy analyst with the national ACLU in Washington, D.C.
Meanwhile, advocates see the MORIS as a way to make tools already in use on police cruiser terminals more mobile for cops on the job.
"This is (the technology) stepping out of the cruiser and riding on the officer's belt, along with his flashlight, his handcuffs, his sidearm or the other myriad tools," said John Birtwell, spokesman for the Plymouth County Sheriff's Department in southeastern Massachusetts, one of the first departments to use the devices.
The technology is also employed to maintain security at Plymouth's 1,650 inmate jail, where it is used to prevent the wrong prisoner from being released.
"There, we have everybody in orange jumpsuits, so everyone looks the same. So, quite literally, the last thing we do before you leave our facility is we compare your iris to our database," said Birtwell.
One of the technology's earliest uses at BI2, starting in 2005, was to help various agencies identify missing children or at-risk adults, like Alzheimer's patients.
Since then, it has been used to combat identity fraud, and could potentially be used in traffic stops when a driver is without a license, or when people are stopped for questioning at U.S. borders.
Facial recognition technology is not without its problems, however. For example, some U.S. individuals mistakenly have had their driver's license revoked as a potential fraud. The problem, it turns out, is that they look like another driver and so the technology mistakenly flags them as having fake identification.
Roughly 40 law enforcement units nationwide will soon be using the MORIS, including Arizona's Pinal County Sheriff's Office, as well as officers in Hampton City in Virginia and Calhoun County in Alabama.
Here's the problem with biometrics: The only reason to have biometrics is to keep the thumb of government, and the consequent threat of government force, on anyone who complies with measurement.
But, you might say, they are only going after sex offenders, and various and sundry criminals. If this is your attitude, don't call yourself a constitutionalist. The nature of government was to be as small and as limited as possible, within the powers delegated to it in 1787. Since 1865, and arguably since the John Adams administration, this concept has been thrown out the window.
The problem with such a new government program is never the original scope of the project, or the laudable goal of law enforcement. The problem is one of precedent--the government has this power of collecting and storing biometry, and the concept of what constitutes a "criminal" is fluid and adaptable by the government. Who is to say that 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, or during the lives of your grandchildren, the use of biometrics by the government may have evolved (death by 1000 papercuts, boiling frog syndrome, etc.,) from a law enforcement role to a tool of pure oppression. You cannot assume it wont, so in your constitutional vigilance, you must refuse on the grounds of violation of 4th amendment, 9th amendment, Natural law, or whatever else you can think of...Resist.
19 July 2011
Assert yourself against police for minor victimless crimes
Here's how some guys in Greenfield, Massachusetts did it:
Debt limit: The Imperial presidency and the unaccountable Congress
Verbatim article,
Some Democrats have been floating this stylized "constitutional option" for weeks -- even Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner has hinted at it -- and now a former president has offered his qualified endorsement. Clinton's counsel to Obama? If prospects for a debt limit deal still seem dim as the deadline approaches, act unilaterally, and let the courts sort things out later. Just do it:
Former President Bill Clinton said he would raise the nation's legal borrowing limit on his own if he had to and "force the courts to stop me" in order to prevent the United States from defaulting on its debt obligations for the first time in history. Clinton said he thinks President Obama and Republicans on Capitol Hill are going to cut a deal before August 2, "and that's smart."
But "if it came to that," he would raise the debt ceiling using powers granted under the 14th amendment of the Constitution. The amendment says that the validity of the public debt shall not be questioned. "I think the Constitution is clear and I think this idea that the Congress gets to vote twice on whether to pay for [expenditures] it has appropriated is crazy," Clinton said in an interview with The National Memo columnist Joe Conason.
The Huffington Post suggests this little scheme would confound Tea Party conservatives, pitting their fealty to the Constitution against their distaste for both President Obama and ever-higher debts:
"The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law... shall not be questioned," reads the 14th Amendment. By declaring the debt ceiling unconstitutional, the White House could continue to meet its financial obligations, leaving Tea Party-backed Republicans in the difficult position of arguing against the plain wording of the Constitution. Bipartisan negotiators are debating the size of the cuts, now in the trillions, that will come along with raising the debt ceiling.
Not so fast. Former federal judge and Stanford Law professor Michael McConnell tossed a wet blanket on this theory in an essay published earlier this month:
Section Four of the Fourteenth Amendment does not create a back-door method for the Administration to borrow more money without congressional authorization. For Congress to limit the amount of the debt does not “question” the “validity” of the debt that has been “authorized by law.” At most, it means that paying the public debts and pension obligations of the United States, as they become due, has priority over all other spending. Each month, the Treasury takes in about $175 billion in new revenues. These are more than sufficient to pay principal and interest when due, as well as pension obligations. (Social Security, by the way, is not a “pension” obligation within the meaning of this provision. The Supreme Court held in Fleming v. Nestor that Social Security claims are nothing more than promises to pay, not legal obligations to pay.)
It seems highly improbable that the debt dispute would ever come down to this question, but it certainly is refreshing to witness the Left's newfound interest in the "plain wording of the Constitution."
In other words, Democrats want the Debt ceiling declared unconstitutional based on the 14th amendment.
Bill Clinton believes the Executive can issue an Order to Congress despite the lack of constitutional authorization for any such powers.
Statism at its most ugly. Our (.Gov) use of your money is not to be questioned. Our obliging you and your kids to unpayable debts (without consent) is not to be questioned.
We took up arms against King George for a h*ll of a lot less, it seems to me.
18 July 2011
More evidence of the ongoing culture war against Southerners
It appears that Southerners who value their heritage, history, heroes and symbols have, for all intents and purposes, lost their rights under the Constitution. They cannot carry on a private conversation if it is about (gasp) the South or the Confederacy because if it is overheard - especially by a favored group - then the culprit must answer for his waywardness perhaps with the loss of his position and in an economy like this, that is not something to take lightly.
Below is a report from the Southern Legal Resource Center about a man having a private conversation with another man about joining the SCV (miserable wretch!). The conversation was overheard by a black co-worker and the results were easily predictable. To DAMNED predictable! I cannot imagine that our country has become so tyrannical that citizens cannot carry on private conversations without being castigated by people who have no business at all listening much less responding! The present Flag Ordinance of Lexington is just one more example of the assault on our freedom which would never be permitted were it any other "minority" involved.
From the Southern Legal Resource Center:
North Carolina Town attempts to dodge legal action for firing employee with SCV logo on his vehicle.
Forest City, NC—According to reports, the town of Forest city, North Carolina, is claiming immunity from a possible civil rights action by an employee who was fired for having a Sons of Confederate Veterans sticker on his car and for discussing an SCV meeting in a private conversation that another employee overheard. (Notice that the town is not arguing the facts of the case but is trying to use a technicality to be able to deny Mr. Lewis his most basic civil rights-vhp)
Robert Lewis of Ellenboro worked for the Forest City Housing authority as a carpenter on a crew involved in constructing low-income housing. He was in the process of joining SCV Rutherford Rifles Camp #2044 and was telling a co-worker about a recent meeting he had attended when his conversation was overheard and interrupted by the work crew’s only black member, who began denouncing both Lewis and the SCV s “racists.” This employee also reported Lewis’ conversation to the head of the Housing Authority, who called him into her office and, according to Lewis, told him not to mention the South, Southern issues, and especially anything related to the Confederacy, in the workplace again, nor to use his office computer to look up any such subject matter. (And this violates HOW many constitutional guarantees of an American citizen?-vhp)
After he was admitted to the SCV camp, Lewis placed two small SCV logos on his vehicle. A week later his immediate superior (not the Housing Authority Director), without warning handed Lewis a final paycheck and a check for his vacation pay and told him he was terminated. (You could not so easily terminate the black complainant if he showed up to work drunk or not at all; he's protected by something Mr. Lewis lacks: a certain color skin pigmentation.-vhp)
Now the town’s position is that the Housing Department is immune from civil rights legal action because the Housing Authority, for which Lewis worked, employs fewer than 15 persons, the minimum number to qualify for a civil rights action to be brought against it. That won’t wash, however, said SLRC Chief Trial Counsel Kirk Lyons.
“We have already established that the Housing Authority is not a separate entity; that it is an integral department of Forest City government. The city, of course, employs many more than 15 people,” Lyons said. (Again, notice that the Housing Department does not deny Lewis' charges, only that it isn't large enough to be held accountable.-vph)
At the time he was discharged, Lewis filed a complaint with the Equal Employee Opportunity Commission ; however, the EEOC dropped its investigation, apparently in large part due to the city’s not-enough-employees position. (Or any other excuse it could find to support the complainant who had no right to even bring the subject up with Lewis, the matter being personal and not work-related and he not being a part of the conversation. vhp)
“We are not surprised,” Lyons said. “Over the years we have seen that the EEOC maintains an inherent hostility towards the Confederate community. They’re running true to form.” Lewis also has a valid First Amendment claim, Lyons added. (This is the sort of bold-faced attacks on our liberties that will only become bolder if those who are supposed to be protecting our rights continue to toe the "politically correct" line. No one and nothing is safe.-vhp)
Originally in Southern War Rooms Forum, via Southern Heritage News and Views.
Editorial comments are from the SWR forum moderator, who, incidentally, lives on Long Island, NY... Goes to show you: not all northerners are Yankees, myself included.
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